Annals of Neurosciences, Vol 13, No 4 (2006)

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The Tumor Suppressor Gene Retinoblastoma (Rb1) In Human Vestibular Schwannomas

Antony HPP Dayalan, Remy Thomas, Mathivanan Jothi, Rohini Keshava, Mohan L Gope, Rajalakshmi Gope


Tumorigenesis is a multistep process where normal control of cell proliferation and cell-cell interactions are lost and this leads to transformation of normal cells into tumor cell. Tumorigenic process involves atleast two classes of genes: (a) Oncogenes and (b) tumor suppressor (TS) genes. Activated oncogenes are known to aid uncontrolled cell growth whereas TS genes inhibit cell proliferation. The human retinoblastoma gene, RB1, is the first tumor suppressor gene to be identified. Vestibular schwannomas (VS) are one of the most common tumors of human central nervous system. Possible role of RB1 gene in human VS tumors are discussed here.

doi: 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.2006.130404


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