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Author Guidelines
Annals of Neuroscience derives its inspiration from its unique capacity to challenge dogma as it develops. This is the primary focus of the Journal which welcomes submissions of reports that do challenge dogma. Such reports shall be reviewed by an impartial panel of experts, so that they are not subject to the delays and restrictions that typically haunt reports that in fact are not consistent with prevailing dogma. Authors of such reports are encouraged to designate their submissions as such and to point out in the cover letter --as well as in the text of the report-- how and why the report challenges evolving dogma and add additional information to facilitate a fair review.
The format of the manuscript should be as follows: Title page, Structured Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Abbreviations, References, Tables, Figure Legends and Figures. Review articles are not required to follow this outline. First mentions of figures and tables in the text should be in numerical order. Headings and subheadings should not end with a full stop.
The manuscript should be formatted in single spacing and the lines should not be numbered. The text of your paper should be saved as a .doc file. with the author's name and submitted in the website . Manuscripts are expected to document the origin and specificity of reagents used, particularly antibodies and document institutional authorization for conducting research in human and animals, to conduct adequate statistical analyses and comprehensively report statistical results, in English.
Articles and Reviews could also be accompanied with representative colour photograph or illustrations which summarizes the work. This may be selected for display in the index.
Any involvement of medical writers/ researchers, particularly those employed or supported by the pharmaceutical industry, in the writing of an article must be clearly defined and disclosed in the Authorship and/or the Acknowledgements section as appropriate. This type of involvement must also be disclosed to the Editor-in-Chief in the Cover Letter
Title Page
The Title page must include:
A clear and concise title
The authors name(s) and surnames
The address(es) from which the work originated
Authorship Contributions
The name, address, fax number and e-mail address of the person who will deal with correspondence, including verification proofs.
The total number of pages, figures, tables and equations
The total number of words in: (i) the whole manuscript; (ii) the Abstract; and (iii) the Introduction.
A list of four or five keywords not appearing in the title, preceded by “Keywords:”
Research articles should have a structured Abstract, which appears before the main body of the text. The Abstract should be written in complete sentences with headings Background, Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion and should provide a summary not exceeding 250 words suitable for publication without the full article text. Thus, if references must be cited in the Abstract they must include the author(s), journal title, volume number, page range, and year. The use of abbreviations in the abstract should be avoided. Statistical results need not be described in the Abstract.
The body of the Research articles should start with a brief Introduction, not exceeding 450 words, which outlines the historical origins of the study and stating the aim of the study and/or hypothesis to be tested. It should not have information from Abstract or discuss the results.
The methods section should be written such that another researcher is able to reproduce the research work. Important methodological aspects of your work, should be described, even if such descriptions can also be found in prior publications. Companies from which materials were obtained should be listed with their country.
The Results should contain both positive and negative results supported by valid statistical methods. Discussion should be avoided in this section.
The Discussion could contain the summary of the major findings, while avoiding repetition of the statements in Abstract or the Results. Citing literature supporting or defying the findings should be provided. The Discussion should be able to project a major advancement of scientific concept, method or effect.
All references must be listed, and all listed references must be cited at least once in the main text. Vancouver style should be followed forall the references.
Preparation of the manuscript
Research Article
The research article should be typed in Calibri font size 12, single space word format, readable in Word 2003-07 format. The length of the article should not exceed 5000 words and all the illustrations should be in Power point edition 2007 or more. Submissions are limited to a total of 7 figures and digital images are required. There is no limit on the number of tables. References should be limited to 60. The supplementary information, if any, should be provided with tables in word format while all figures must be included in power point. Research article along with the references should be written as shown below.
From a Research Article
Montoya JC and Grace O., et al. Diagnosis of Tuberculous meningitis using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay utilizing a 30,000-Dal-ton native antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Phi J Microbiol Infect Dis 2000; 29(4): 156–161
From a Chapter in a book
e.g. Fullplus BW. Characterisation, isolation and purification of cholinergic receptors. In:Theselff S Ed., Motor innervation of muscle, 2nd ed. London: Academic Press 1976; 11–26.
Review Articles
Review articles are full length articles on topics of particular current interest. Proposals for Review articles are invited by the Editors-in-Chief, Executive Editor and the Associate Editors. Journal also encourages independent submission of innovative and comprehensive reviews that provide complete framework of the topic including the historical aspects, progress in the field including controversies and promises. The review should not simply provide an outline of every point published by a paper but rather be structured to address a point in science covered by the Journal.
Reports of national and international meetings, workshops, conferences and schools are welcome in narrative style. Maximum limit is 1000 words.
Case Report
Only one case report of novel and extra ordinary importance will be published.
Journal Club / commentary
Graduate students or post doctoral fellows can write a commentary on a published paper from any reputed neuroscience journal and describe the findings under following headings: Background Study design and Implication.
Molecular Shots
JPEG Images from experiments such as immu-nocytochemistry can be submitted with legends and authorship.
Competing interests/ Conflict of Interest
If there is likely to be economic gain (patents, financial investments, consulting agree-ments) resulting from having utilized experimental approaches, instruments, methods or drugs, or of having discussed such items in the manuscript, represents a competing interest. Competing interests should be clearly disclosed and described in detail in the Acknowledgements. It is in the interest of the author to disclose such interests, and Annals of Neuro-sciences requires such disclosure. If the author does not declare any competing interest or doesn’t declare the adherence to ethical guidelines it will be assumed that there exists no competing interest or absence of ethical approvals which will be reflected in the paper once it is accepted. In addition, author can also declare conflict of interest by suggesting exclusion of at least two reviewers. The article should comply with International committee of Medical Journal Editor’s uniform requirements for the manuscripts.
All sources of funding should be declared in the Acknowledgements. If a private/ commercial sponsor supported the research, authors are advised to describe the role of the study sponsor(s), if any, in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication. If the funding source had no such involvement, this should be stated. Failure to provide this information will be considered a statement of no funding source and will be mentioned as such with publication.
Evaluation of manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts are assigned to an As sociate Editor and/or and Editorial Board mem ber who are responsible for its evaluation. They may get it evaluated from another expert in the field. The Editor-in-Chief’s decision regarding publication is based on the recommendation of the reports of reviewers, which will, at the Editors’ discretion, be transmitted to the corresponding author.
Ethical standards
All studies using human or animal subjects should include carry a declaration identifying the Institution or Review Committee which approved the study. Editors reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt whether appropriate procedures were followed or competing financial interests have not been disclosed.
(I) Studies with human subjects
When human subjects are used, manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement that the experiments were undertaken with the written consent of each subject, and that the study conforms with institute ethical committee guidelines.
(ii) Studies involving experimental animals
The methods section must briefly state measures which were taken to minimize pain or discomfort and the ethical committee should be identified.
Experimental animals
The species, strain, sex, age, supplier and numbers of animals used should be specified. If transgenic or knockout animals are used the established nomenclatures must be used.
The control experiments that were conducted to ensure the specificity of the method should be described, along with key references to previous work with this reagent. For antibodies, this documentation includes a precise description of the antigen, the nature of the antibody (species, purification), the supplier, catalogue number, and specificity tests performed.
Statistical methods
A complete description of statistical methods is required. The main statistical results should be described in the Results section. The description of statistical results in the figure legends should be limited to important analysis. The description of the statistical results should include the degrees of freedom.
The financial support should be acknowledged alongwith those from collaborators or if the author has worked on a fellowship, the sponsoring agency should be mentioned. If the manuscript has been previewed by someone, the individual’s name should be acknowledged.
Cover letter
A cover letter should specify: (1) type of submission (Research Article, Review, etc.); (2) the corresponding author complete with a mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and an email address; (3) a statement by the author certifying that all coauthors have seen and agree with the contents of the manuscript; (4) certify that the submission (aside from an abstract) is not under review at any other publication.
Cover illustrations
Colour illustrations suitable for front cover, can be submitted to the Editor for decision.
Online submission
Annals of Neurosciences has launched the online submission of manuscripts at the web site.
Print journal circulation: 1500
No. of submissions/year: 100
No. of published regular research
articles/year: 16
No. of pages published/year: 200
Avg Time to first decision (all papers): one month
Avg Time to first decision (reviewed papers): 15 days
Avg Time from submission to First Edition (after acceptance) to First Edition
prepublication: Three weeks
ISSN (online journal): 0976-3260
ISSN (print journal): 0972- 7531
Indexing : Annals of Neurosciences is indexed and abstracted in : CAS (Chemical Abstract Service), DOAJ, EBSCOhost, Google Scholar, Research Gate, J-Gate, Base, Genamics, Georgetown university library, ProQuest, Ulrichsweb, Index Coprernicus and Scopus.
Open Access Statement
Annals of Neurosciences believes that all research is for the benefit of mankind. It is enabled by society and should be returned to all people without borders or discrimination. That is why Annals of Neurosciences provides open and free access to all of its publications without the involvement of commercial Publishers. All articles are published electronically ahead of print with the definite citation line. Thus, an article will be available online shortly after the author’s approval to print.
Copyright Notice
The corresponding author should agree, by the act of submission, that the copyright of the manuscript, was in fact transferred to the journal and would be done so without any renumeration from the Journal, such transfer being irrevocable after publication. Authors hold the right to withdraw any manuscript from consideration for publication for any reason until the issue was copyset for publication, after which the manuscripts would be retracted. On behalf of all authors the submitting author should either be the corresponding author or if not, the corresponding author should assert by submission of any and all manuscripts for review that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere. That all individuals who participated in the study in a material manner are listed as authors, or if not, why. That all authors have reviewed and agree with the content, presentation, organization, data and interpretation of the data or the manuscript as well as their position within the authorship list, that no individual who either holds or claims any authorship right has been excluded and if not, explain, that the facts of the paper are true and honest and that all experiments that require institutional or governmental approval have been submitted, evaluated and awarded required approvals including but not limited to human experimentation and clinical trials, animal use, use of toxic chemicals and radioactive elements, regulators pertaining to any and all aspects of ICMR-DBT guidelines of stem cell research if applicable, or any other regulation pertinent to the study. On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author agrees to be listed as such, and all other authors consent to this listing. The listed corresponding author on behalf of all authors by submission of the paper for review or publication testifies that he or she is reasonably certain that the data presented are accurate, has no reason to question the validity of any fact, statement or experimental result presented in the paper, has directly participated in all aspects of the study has not copied the work or any aspect of it from another source, has not reviewed any paper that presents substantially identical results and has in fact not accepted that paper for publication or is aware that the paper is no longer being evaluated for publication unless that paper is referred to by reference of footnote in the submitted manuscript, that any and all future allegations of scientific misconduct or fraud that arise from either the submission or publication of the paper shall be relayed to the editor in chief in timely manner and that the proceedings of any investigation will be communicated as they evolve, that the journal reserves the right to publish such information if that information is in fact in the public domain and to comment upon it as the findings if invalid relate to the science communicated by the Journal.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in ANS will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.