Billing and Discounts
1) All payments should be paid in advance before the printing of issues in which the advertisements are scheduled to appear. Checks or Drafts in INR are payable to Editor, Annals of Neurosciences.
2) All credits that are earned by increasing frequency during contract will be applied to future billing. No cancellations will be accepted after deadline.
3) Billing: Rs 100 per month late payment charges shall apply. 2% interest charge per month after 30 days will be charged.
4) Advertisers will be held responsible for all costs incurred in collecting unpaid bills, including court and legal costs.
5) Verbal confirmations of advertisements must be confirmed in writing before the closing date.
6) 10% discounts will be provided to those interested in paying for all the four issues.
Advertising Rates
Terms & Conditions
Advertisers assume all responsibility and liability for all claims arising from advertisements. A complete legal street address and phone number is required for our files for those advertisers using a post office box number in their advertisements.
Material Requirements
Computer generated files are preferred in JPEG or PDF format. The editorial office can accommodate requests in designing of advertisements.